Friday, March 4, 2011

More Dead Island

I really didn't ever intend for this blog to be a one trick pony, and I promise it won't be for much longer. But, after seeing this article, I felt I needed to post a response. Needless to say, I'm kinda bummed. Pretty much everything I said about the game needing to be very reminiscent of the INCREDIBLE reveal trailer has pretty much been thrown out the window. I suppose I should take it in perspective and say that yes, it still sounds like a game I'll enjoy, and one I'll likely pick up on launch day. However, I think it's safe to say that Techland's shot at game of the year honors is relatively small now. Oh well. Then again, did they ever really have much of a chance? Seems I forgot about some of the amazing titles headed our way this year. Here's a few I'm particularly hyped up for, and will likely be writing about in the coming weeks.

Whew. Went a bit crazy there, and even so I'm sure I left out a few key titles that I'll be hyped up for when the time comes. What can I say, 2011 is looking like a fantastic year for gamers. For our wallets? Not quite as fantastic. But they'll get over it.

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